Caspar Coppetti
, Co-Founder
Caspar Coppetti is one of our Co-Founders and has served as the Executive Co-Chairman of On since April 2021. Mr. Coppetti was previously the Chairman and Global Sales Director of On since January 2010. Mr. Coppetti brings leadership in conceptualizing and developing our brand and has business experience as an executive officer in the marketing industry. Prior to joining On, Mr. Coppetti served as a Managing Partner and Chief Strategy Officer for the brand agency Young & Rubicam from 2004 to 2010. Mr. Coppetti also worked at McKinsey & Company as a Management Consultant from 2001 to 2003. Mr. Coppetti has served on the board of InnHub La Punt AG since 2018. Mr. Coppetti holds a Dr. Oec. Diploma from the University of St. Gallen.